Well, I'm getting my Mothers Day gifts done. I have my Moms done, I was going to also make her a x-stitch bookmark, but forgot to buy the floss at WM yesterday(I even had the list in my back pocket!! don't you hate that!), I'll try, but who knows, I gotta buy the thread tomorrow. I also finished making stuff for my MIL. I will post pics of everything put all together tomorrow. I also wanted to make something for my bff. I always give her a Mothers Day gift because she never gets one and she deserves it. Her ex is a huge piece of
*@#$ who left her and their 3 kids and then literally married a milionaire and still will not even pay support. Anyways.....I wanted to make her a purse (it'll be first real one), beause when I made some lttle girl ones for her mom to give to her goddaughter, she said "Wheres mine??" So, I was gonna make her a cute adult one. I have already started an frogged 3!! ,this is no good. But I also thought, to go with the purse I could make a little wallet and maybe a journal cover, I searched and found some really cute things, but no wallets that I really liked too much. I did print off a couple though. BUT, heres where my trouble begins, ended up at Etsy, just looking, and found sewn wallets and I am in love! I really want to sew one, so of course, every chance I had today, instead of finsihing something off, I was stuck on the computer, looking at all the beatiful tutes for sewing thingys, and theres tons! I dunno though, I think a wallet could be a pretty good beginner project, no?I have a really good sewing machine, just got it last year. (oooohhh, I would LOVE an embroidery machine....side note, lol, hope dh reads this ;p), what do you think? Would a wallet be too difficult for a beginner? Its basically just straight lines. I can do those. And then the other things you find. I think I may have a new obsession brewing! And my crocheting obsession isn't dwindling a bit! I got quite a few new ideas searching thru sewing stuff to crocheting too. I have not been able to sleep too well the past couple of days because I'm thinking of projects to do!! OMG!! Am I the only one wh does this?!? I feel crazy, losing sleep over crocheting? hahahaha, lmao!!!! And just look at what happens when I get in this mode

The grocery bags are all full of UFOs, because when I get like this, my mind wanders too much be able to stay on one thing, and I just get way too anxious for starting a new project!

I've now got out my beading supplies and tons of crochet stuff everywhere! Yes, that is my kitchen table, lol. Good thing I've go 3 of 4 still in highchairs! The oldest just pushes everything to the side and its not like I have had the chance to actually sit and eat in a couple of years. Constant wails of something or other during dinner. Could you imagine if I had out my scrapbook stuff too...which reminds me, I should make up a couple of Mothers Day cards. Oh, I also have x-stitch stuff here too., but its contained pretty well in the little black box. Dh says I have too much stuff, but whos buying it for me?? He is! I should show him some of the pics I have seen from some of you guys!! How I envy you!!!!! I do have a couple of closets pretty full too,but thats about it.
Well, on another note, look what Quenton found in the yard!! Awwww...its so cute! I told him to stay away cuz Mama bird would get angry. He just zoomed in for this pic with the flash off. I've never seen baby birds before. I love not living in the city!! Well, I should go tidy some of my mess up, lol. Will post project pics tomorrow.