Well, I promised......day 2, pattern 2! And this one is completely new! Just finished typing it all up yesterday actually. I LOVE playing Zelda and now my 7 year old twins do too. Here is a pattern for Link, the main character of Zelda. I've made a Zelda too, but I'm not promising that pattern quite yet. Hope you like this one!! I've been told he needs a sword and shield too, so.....hopefully soon?
Well, i haven't been on forever!! Blame my new beautiful baby girl for that one :) Shes a whole 3 months old now!! Guess I need to change my username for EVERYTHING now! lol Well, I had a few patterns taken off of my Etsy for one reason or another, so I think I'll just put them on here now. Hopefully nobody gets all upset over that! Heres the first one, just click the download now button to get the free pdf! I'll add another later.
I am a SAHM of 4 boys. I love to crochet and do any other craft EVERY chance I have!. I will try to post here as often as I can, but keep in mind, I do have 4 boys who love my undivided attention! lol
I also suffer from PAS, MAS and YAS!